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Quality Control (QC)
Account Finance and E Banking
Case management
Monitoring and Evaluation
Education/ Training
Constrection Laboratory
Admin, Logistic, IT
Engineering /Construction Management/WASH/Shelter
Data Entry
Value Chain
Customer Service
Human Resources
Content Reviewer
Content Review
Power, Electrical
Make up
survey engineering
Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering
social media management
Media and Communication
leadership, information, publication, communication, media
Creative Producer
Digital Marketing
Public Relation
Finance Program
Agriculture Veterinary Services
Monitoring and Evaluation QA-Quality Control
Admin-Clerical Finance
Government Program
Admin-Clerical Health Care Management
Business Development Nonprofit-Social Services
Capacity Building
QA-Quality Control
Admin-Clerical Finance Human Resources
Program Communication
Management Program
Admin-Clerical Communication
Education Program
Admin-Clerical Purchasing-Procurement
Admin-Clerical Human Resources
Admin-Clerical Health Care Pharmaceutical
Admin-Clerical Pharmaceutical
Information Technology Management Training
General Business
Supply Chain
Management Program QA-Quality Control
Health Care Management
Skilled Labor
Nonprofit-Social Services
Professional Services
Management Information System
software development
software analysis
Software Development and Data Management
Engineering Geologist
Monitoring & Reporting
Accounting/Finance, Procurement, Internal Audit/Control
Other IT
Other Program
Education Health Care Capacity Building
Distribution-Shipping Supply Chain Warehouse
Human Resources Management
Health Care Human Resources Management
Veterinary Services
Executive Health Care Management
Other Training
Fine Arts
Business Development Marketing Sales
Management IT
GIS ( Geographic Information System)
Audio Manager
Education Marketing
Marketing Sales
Management Media-Journalism
Engineering Program
Psychosocail Counsellor
Business Development Health Care Marketing
Administrative, Data Collection , M&E and Education
Maintenance Management
Health Care Other
Education Professional Services
Admin/office, Human Resource Management
Accounting/Finance , Management
Management Communication
Program Training Communication
Management Program Communication
Education Training IT
Communication and Journalism
Health Care Management Program
Financial Reporting
Accounting Finance E Banking
Admin-Clerical Distribution-Shipping
Evaluation and Monitoring
Admin-Clerical Banking Business Development Finance
Design IT
Human Rights
Legal Advisor
Information Technology IT
Finance Accounting
Micro fianance
Supply Chain Management/Supply Chain
Plant Protection
Entry Level
Engineering Transportation
Education Management Program Communication
Admin-Clerical Finance Telecommunications Telecom Accounting
Food technology
Monitoring and Evaluation Research
Banking Legal
System admin
Data Security/Protection.
Drafting of legal Documments
Web Application Development
Security & Risk Management
Oil And Gas
Consultant Supply Chain
General Labor
Management/ Legal
Legal Officer
Government Program Communication
Admin-Clerical Finance Purchasing-Procurement
Support Communication
Admin-Clerical Program
Admin-Clerical Security
Education General
Executive Management
Public Policy
Accounting/Finance b
Media-Journalism Communication
Renewable Energy Engineering
Food Security and Livelihood
On Air
Information Technology Marketing Sales IT
Management Marketing
Report writing
Social Mobilization
Freelancer translator
social worker
Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Admin-Clerical Finance Program
Admin-Clerical Supply Chain
Admin-Clerical Accounting
Admin-Clerical Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Admin-Clerical Monitoring and Evaluation Program Research
Management Marketing Media-Journalism Communication
Management Security
Health Care Nurse
Business Development Construction
Engineering Health Care Program
Design Other
Design Other Research Strategy-Planning
Administration, leadership, legal, procurement and financial
Administrative and finance
Admin-Clerical Management QA-Quality Control
Sales and Marketing
Quality Management
• Marketing & Sales
• Operation & Agent Management
• HR & Admin
• Customer Services
• Innovation & Product Development
• Legal and Compliance
Agriculture Finance Management Program
Agriculture Management Program
Purchasing-Procurement Warehouse
Legal Nonprofit-Social Services Professional Services
Quality Assurance/Quality Control of Projects
PMU Coordination
Business Development Sales
Economic Desk
Morning show
Accounting/Finance and E Banking
Education Engineering Management
TV Quality Controller
Emergency nurse
Installation-Maint-Repair Support
Legal Program
Banking Finance
Social Science
Enviromental Science
Social activities
social working
Community Mobilization
Assets Management
Management Purchasing-Procurement
Information Technology Support
Admin-Clerical Purchasing-Procurement Supply Chain
Natural Resources Management
nursing, Assistant and councillor
Education Capacity Building
Strength & Conditioning
Business Development Management
Legal and management
Admin-Clerical Finance Accounting
Data Collection
Need Assessment
Emergency Responses
Site Engineer
Law and political since
Media-Journalism Program
Security Transportation
Agriculture Facilities Program
Law and Political Science
Quantity and Cost estimation
Organizational Management
Admin-Clerical Management Program
Business Development General Business Legal
Business Development General Business Strategy-Planning
Business Development General Business Marketing
Government Legal
Admin-Clerical Monitoring and Evaluation
Sales/Marketing, Media, Journalism
SALES/ software engineering
Learning and Development
Admin-Clerical Agriculture
Agriculture Management
Security Communication
Management Program Natural Resources Management
Finance Legal Management Other
Design Education
Management Monitoring and Evaluation Research
Marketing Communication
IT Hardware
Education Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Engineering Management
Admin-Clerical Engineering
International Development
Information Management
Agriculture & Horticulture
Agriculture , M&E , Logistics .
Livestock expert
Information Technology Management Communication
Management in Information Section
Networking,Application,Website,Emails,Cpanel,outlook and etc
Data Management, IT, Administration, GIS, Warehouse, Network
Geophysics, Surveying
Dari Literature
Rule of Law,
Business Development Management Marketing
Agriculture Engineering Health Care Management
Information Technology Communication
Finance Nonprofit-Social Services
Education Training
Health Care Capacity Building
Health Care Supply Chain
Consultant Health Care Support Communication
Design Communication
Engineering Monitoring and Evaluation
Structural Design
Agriculture Engineering Monitoring and Evaluation
Agriculture Education
Training Translator
Proposal Writing
Demining (Mine Clearance)
Projects Design
Education and management
Communication and Media
Health Care,Administration
Innovation and Digitalization
Health/Medical, health care, health/nutrition surveillance
Field Monitoring
Training Capacity Building
Education Health Care
Health Care Monitoring and Evaluation
Admin-Clerical Business Development
Mazar i sharif
Political Science
Kabul Afghanistan
Agriculture Training
Agriculture Nonprofit-Social Services
Mass media
Education Engineering
Education Finance Marketing
Social Media
Training Veterinary Services
Program Supply Chain
Facilities Support
Program Capacity Building
Education Information Technology
Admin-Clerical Health Care
Program Support
Public Finance
Agriculture, Socio Economy and Environmental
Accounting/Finance- Human Resource
Information Technology Telecommunications
Program Security
Information Technology Program
Finance Management Accounting
Human Resources Management Program
Engineering Purchasing-Procurement
MIS Developer
Water Resouces Engineering
Agriculture Business Development Management
Management Supply Chain
Admin-Clerical Support
Management, Engineering and social
Admin-Clerical Facilities Finance
Banking Finance Accounting
All general and administrative tasks
Management Purchasing-Procurement Telecommunications
General Program
Construction QA-Quality Control
Construction Health Care Supply Chain
Agriculture Health Care Program
Design Media-Journalism
Nonprofit-Social Services Program
Child Protection
Business Development General Business Information Technology
Admin-Clerical Other
Admin-Clerical Facilities Supply Chain
Health Care Pharmaceutical Program
Admin-Clerical Program Security
Construction Engineering QA-Quality Control
Engineering Installation-Maint-Repair
Management Capacity Building
General Management
Construction implementation
Custom Clearnce
Sales Admin
Service Management
Information Technology Strategy-Planning Telecommunications
Education Management
Area-based Development
Admin-Clerical Construction Government Professional Services
Business Development Accounting
Telecommunications Training Telecom
Management Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Construction Engineering
Construction Program
Truck Driving
Business Administration and health CARE
Business Development Information Technology IT
Program Training
Natural Risk Management
Management Nonprofit-Social Services Capacity Building
Consultant Monitoring and Evaluation
Kabul, Afghanistan
Account/Finance and E Banking
Real Estate
Agriculture managment
Data Science
Social Science (Psycho-social)
Food Security
Agriculture, Management
Admin-Clerical Management Other
Agriculture Health Care Nonprofit-Social Services Program
Health Care Nonprofit-Social Services Program
Finance Human Resources Purchasing-Procurement
IT System Engineer
News repoter
Business Development Finance
Finance Human Resources
Business Development Finance Management Accounting
Scheduling Assistant
Network Technician
Management Monitoring and Evaluation
Professional Services Program
Admin-Clerical Marketing
Admin-Clerical Management
Admin-Clerical Warehouse
General Other
Admin-Clerical Finance Human Resources Management
M&E, Management, Engineering, Construction
Supply Chain/ Procurement/ HR
Mental health and psychosocial support
Construction Project Management
Linux Adminstrator
Banking Finance Program
Entry Level Information Technology
Project Support
Assistant Producer
Purchasing-Procurement Supply Chain Transportation
Design Engineering
Design Management
Area-Based and Development
Education Monitoring and Evaluation
Child Protection.
inventory Control system
Inventory Accounting
Database Development
Restaurant services
Admin-Clerical Business Development Finance
Health Care Communication
Legal, Management
Humanitarian Assistance
Public Administration and management
Human Resources, Human Resource Development, Leadership
Legal Advisor, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
Economic-Department of Business Administration.
Documentry Producer
Business Development IT
Health Care QA-Quality Control
Banking Management
Admin-Clerical Inventory Transportation
Management Purchasing-Procurement Supply Chain
Engineering Information Technology IT
Information Technology Other
Monitoring and Evaluation IT
Agriculture Business Development Monitoring and Evaluation
Business Development Education Facilities
Civil engineer
Health Care Management Training
Education Health Care Management Program
Education Management Other
Admin-Clerical Training
Agriculture Program
Construction Engineering Health Care QA-Quality Control
Health Care Program Communication
Management Monitoring and Evaluation Research Supply Chain
Oil and Gas sector
Admin-Clerical Facilities Inventory Support
Monitoring and Evaluation Communication
Purchasing-Procurement Supply Chain
Agriculture Health Care
Information Technology Management
Entry Level Support Communication
Engineering Health Care Monitoring and Evaluation
Admin-Clerical Human Resources Information Technology
Customer Service Education
Education Information Technology Communication
Government Communication
Training Communication
Business Development General Business Program
Finance Other
Admin-Clerical Program Communication
Distribution-Shipping Executive Management
Web Designer
Website Designing
first Aid
Coaching and Training
Admin-Clerical Agriculture Management
Rule of Law
Behavioral Science
After sales
public helth
Accounting Finance and E Banking
Financial Market
database administration
System Integration
Web Developer
Policy Making
language & literature
Busines model
Development Management
Security Support
Health Care Training
Finance Supply Chain
Other Support
Inventory Supply Chain
Restaurant-Food Service
General Information Technology
Supply Chain Transportation Warehouse
Business Development Human Resources Management
Project Management and Technical
Radio operator
Warehouse Management
Mass Communication and Journalism
News manegar
Psychology (Stress Management)
Banking Health Care
Management Other Research
Admin-Clerical Engineering Finance Sales
German Literature
Construction Engineering Other
Monitoring and Evaluation Program Research
Human Resources Management Training
Health Care Nonprofit-Social Services
strength and conditioning Training
IT & WU Officer
specialization in water and sanitation
Finance Purchasing-Procurement
Business Development Training
Chelid Protection
Electrical automation
Legal Communication
Admin-Clerical Facilities Other
Other Security
Construction Engineering Management
Executive General
Human Resource
Agriculture & Livelihood
WASH Program
Audit & Compliance
Job Location
Multi Location
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Wardak, Afghanistan
baghlan, samangan, ghazni, daikondi
Firoz Koh
Paktika (Matakhan Districts)
Faiz Abad, Khoja Ghar
Faiz Abad, Taloqan
Maimana City
, Aybek, Sare pol, Khuja Sabz Push
Mazar, Khanchar bagh, Aqcha
North - East - RO / Regional Office with travel to the field and project sites.
Faryab Districts
تمام ولایات
کابل و ولایات
West-Regional Office Herat, Badghis, Ghor, Farah and Nimroz provinces with travelling to districts.
Ustad Burhanuddin Rabani Shaheed Provincial Hospital
ولایت میدان وردگ
Ghazni (With travel to Kabul)
Herat, Badghis and Paktia
Faryab, Jawzjan & Sar-e-Pol
Jalalabad - Nangarhar
Maimana, Sar-e-Pol
Sheberghan city
Laghman Provincial Office
Herat with traveling to districts
Kabul, Shashdarak branch, Arzanqimat branch, Dehbori branch,
Annaba (Feraj SHC)
Herat (Enjil, Guzara and Zanda Jan Districts)
Logar - Takhtak
Dehrawod District
Kandak Taza Gul MCHCs
Laghman, Kunar and Nangarhar
Kabul with extensive travel to provinces
Herat, Mazar, Kandahar, Jalalabad
Jawzjan, Maimana, Andkhoy, Sar-e-Pol
Kabul (National Program Office)
Kabul, Sar-e-Pol, and Jawzjan
Jawzjan, Maimana, Andkhoy, Sar-ePol
Darqad District
Jawzjan and Sar-e- Pol
سرک 14 وزیر اکبر خان
Asad Abad
Mazar-e Sharif & Trinkoot
Mazar, Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad
Tirin Kut
Kabul, Mazar & Herat
Baghran - Helmand
Paktia Zurmat Sahak MHT
34 Provinces
Kabul University Street, Dehbori, Kabul - Afghanistan
AFGA Herat office with trip to different locations
Balkh with frequent trip to different provinces
Herat with frequent trip to different provinces
AFGA Balkh office with trip to different locations
Balkh (with frequent travel to different provinces)
Herat (with frequent trip to different provinces)
Kabul University Street, Dehbouri, Kabul - Afghanistan
Main Cities of Provinces and Districts
Herat Districts
Dehbori, Behind dehbori park, Street No. 2, House 10
Kabul Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan/Hybrid
Paktai, Zurmat, Shaikhot HSC
Kabul with travel to project locations
Nuristan Office
کابل شهر نو
Mohamad agha district
Provincial centers
Baharistan, Kart-e-Parwan, PD2, Kabul-Afghanistan
Kabul + Travel to Provinces
Kabul Despachery Industrial Aria old 9 Police station Road
All States , United States
Sar-e-Pul, Afghanistan
Jawzjan, Afghanistan
Khas Kunar & Sawki Districts
ولسوالی سیاه ګرد، قریه جوزار
Jalalabad City, Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Maidan City
Maidan Shahr
Kabul (with travel to Provinces)
Kabul, Nimroz/Milak and Heart Relevant operational areas
Herat (Injil, Guzara and Zendajan Districts)
ولایت لغمان
Herat District
Kabul with frequent travel to Provinces
Daikondi, Herat, Khost and Nangarhar
Laghman (with frequent travel to districts)
Kunduz (with frequent travel to districts)
Kabul with travel to other provinces
Kunar ( 3 Female) Nuristan (1 Female)
Multiple Cities
Kabul (with frequent travel to provinces)
Kabul/ Herat
Badghis (with frequent travels to districts)
Qalat and Pol Alam
Kahmard District
Jawand District
Khost with 50% Travel to Paktia
Herat City and Injil District
Taloqan City and Torkham
Herat City - With having travel to Farah & Badghis Provinces
Zazai Aryoub
Maidan Shahar
Sozma Qalah
Yamgan and Wakhan
Zazai Aryoub and Trinkot
Bamyan (Provincial Hospital)
Wakhan and Yamgan
Herat City
Kabul with frequent visits to Kandahar
Herat- Pashtun Zarghun and Kushk - e - Kohna
Kabul with Travel to Privacies
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kabul Main Branch
Aino Mina
Kunar Provincial Hospital
ghor, Firozkoh, Al Farooq, Saghar, Passaband districts
Kabul with frequent visits to field locations
ولایت لوګر (صفر به ولسوالی ها)
Khost Provincial Office
Nimroz/Milak-Herat/Relevant operational areas-
Kabul with Travel to Wardak-Bamiyan
Debala District
Ghazni, Kandahar, Khost, Kunduz
Charbolak, Chahi and Nahri Shahi districts.
kabul, bamian, khost
Paktia (Borgi HSC, Tera Tandan HSC, Tatanak HSC and Usmankhil HSC)
Paktia (Tatanak HSC, Usamn Khil HSC, Darak HSC and Balkhil HSC)
Ghazni (Khashsa HSC and Baryam HSC)
Litaf HSC, Bariam HSC, and Khasha HSC
Kandahar with frequent travels to Zabul
Kunar (with frequent field visits)
Kunar with possible visits to Nuristan province
Tagab District
Yaftal District
Kabul, 3rd Makroyan
Karte Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan
Different villages, PD13, Kabul; Mullah Mohammad Baba, PD21, Kabul; Maidan Shahr, Wardak
Baghlan (Regional Office)
Pol-e-Khomri,Kunduz and Taloqan
Kabul + Travel
Herat (Guzara District, Guri Abad village)
Mazar-e- Sharif
Qala- e- Naw
Khost, Logar, Paktia
Khas Oruzgan District
Herat (Obeh District, Dogh Abad village)
Kabul with travel to provinces
Maiwand District
Gosfandara, Kabul
PD-5 - PD-17
Mazar-e-Sharif with travel to districts
Infection Diseases Hospital
Kabul, and field(contracted area, Parwan province)
Kabul, Afghanistan (Remote/Hybrid)
Ghazni Provincial Hospital
Baghlan districts
Kabul, Afghanistan (Hybrid/Remote)
Puli Khumri
Kabul, Afghanistan (Remote/Work form Home)
Kabul, Afghanistan (Remote)
Kabul - (with Regular Travel)
Waigal Pol-e Khurmi
C-19RM Office
فیض آباد، کندهار، مزارشریف، لشکرگاه، ارزگان، تالقان و قلات
Kabul with Travel to the provinces
Badghis Farah Ghowr Herat Nimroz
Kabul Herat Kandahar
Kata Qaaq, Dar-e-Sof Payeen, Samanagn
Aynoo mina Hospital
Kabul City
Joe Shair Watani Chemtal District Balkh Province
ولسوالی بلخاب ولایت سرپل
Pol-e-alam, Logar, Afghanistan
Hazrat-e-sultan district, Samangan
Sheberghan/Sar-e-Pul with frequent travel to target districts
Wardak and Samangan
South East Region - with frequent travels
Kabul (Regional Office)
Kabul with 30% travel to the fields (flexible both up and down, as per requirements)
Kabul, City
Sar-e-Pol and travels to all HFs in the Province
Paktia with regular travel to Ghazni province
Paktya, Afghanistan
Faizabad City of BDK Province
Sayedabad, Chak, Maidan Shahr, Nerkh, Daymirdad, Jaghatu, Jalrez, Markaz e Behsud.
Qala-e- Naw Badghis / Maidan Shar (Travel to Districts)
Qale-e-Naw, Bala Murghab & Jawand districts
Kabul, with frequent overseas travel
Jalalabad and Asadabad
Pule Khomri and other Districts of Baghlan
Pole Khomri and other Districts of Baghlan
Wardak and its Districts
Maidan Shar and other Districts of Wardak Province
Badghis City and Districts/Wardak City and Districts/Baghan City and Districs
Wardak City and Districts/Baghan City and Districs
Badghis City and Districts
Badghis City and Badghis Districts
Pul-e-Khumri, Baghlan Jadid, Doshi and Tala Wa Barfak districts
Mazar e Sharif
Mazar e Sharif and Kabul
Kabul & Mazar e Sharif
Kabul & Parwan
Kabul/Blakh Districts
Maidan Wardak
Herat City - Having travel to districts
(Multiples Districts 3 Male 3 Female )
Laghman Provincial Hospital
Laghman & Nangarhar
North Zone, Afghanistan
Mazar-i Sahrief
Daikondi-Kapisa-Parwan-Maidan Wardak
Southeast Region
All central region provinces
NR-NER Region
Waghaz District
Paktia office with regular travel to Ghazni province
Shirogai and Chinari HSCs
Main Office (Kabul) Site Office (AUA contracted location, Parwan)
(Kharwar CHC+) and (Lodin DH)
Center of each Province
Herat with frequent visits to BHC in the districts
Spinboldak and Zharay
Kabul and Oruzgan
Herat Islam Qala Zero Point clinic
ولایت فراه
ولایت هلمند
Paktia, Paktika
Mazar e Sharif - Herat - Kandahar - Jalalabad
All south region provinces
Shinkay district and Spidar village
Tirin Kut,Chora, Chinarto, Dehrawud, Khas Uruzgan (Uruzgan Provinces)
Dymirdad, Jaghato, Jalrez, Bahsood, Maidan Shar, Sayedabad, Chak and Narkh
Takia, kozbehar and wazir Angora HSCs
Mohmandar,Lalpur and Dur Baba District of Nangrahar
Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman
Mohmandar, & Relevant District of Nangrahar
Nahrieseraj, Mosaqala, Garamseer, Tarinkot, ShahwaliKot, Arghastan, Maiwand, Aino Mina, Spin boldak
Bargalayee HSC in Shigal, Sooky in Ghaziabad, Shumash in Nurgal and Goriga in Dangam districts
Maroof District
Nangarhar ( 1 Female) (2 Male)
Kunar PSCC
Kabul City,
Kabul with Travel to the field
Samangan (With travel to districts)
Kunduz, Saripul, Helmand, Kandahar and Herat.
Spinboldak DH and border Zero Point health facilities
Aybak City
All Districts
Oruzgan province
Kandahar & Jawzjan City
Lalandar District- Kabul
Kandahar, Afghanistan with frequent travels
Khurwar district
All provinces depending on need.
Nuristan Office (Wama District) with regular visits to Kunar office for official work
Parwan Province Sia Gurd District
Bamyan Province (Waras & Saighan District)
Province and district levels
Baraki Barak
Pol-e Alam
Khost and Paktika
Kunduz; Kabul
Norgal, Alingar, Qarghaie Districts of Kunar and Laghman
Jalalabad - Target Districts in Kunar and Laghman Provinces
Bamian, Jalal Abad, Charikar
Based in Jalalabad with Regular Norgal, Alingar, Qarghaie Districts of Kunar and Laghman
Mazar-e-Sharif City Infectious Disease Hospital.
Mazar-e-Sharif City Infectious Disease Hospital
Sayed Abad District and Seyad District
Jurm District and Trinkot
Herat & Kandahar
Sayed Abad District
Suzma Qala
CHR Region
Goshta, Dara-e-Nur, Jalalabad, Kama, Kot, Kuz Kunar, Rodat, and Behsud.
Kabul travel to baghlan province
Nangarhar, Laghman, and Kunar
Takia HSC-Batikot, and Koz Bahar HSC-Khogyani
Mazar i Sharif
ننگرهار ,کنر,لغمان
Kabul, Kandahar, Zabul, Oruzgan
Nooristan, Afghanistan
Konar, Afghanistan
kandahar, Helmand
Shashdarak branch, Arzanqimat branch
Jalalabad City
Herat/ Pashtoon Zarghoon District
Kabul, Herat
Kabul Herat Balkh
Laghman province (Barakzai HSC in Alishan district, Mango HSC in Alingar district)
Nangarhar province (Ghulam Dag HSC in Chaparhar district, Sarband HSC in Goshta district)
Kunduz + Pul-e-Khumri
Dehnaw, Dehburi, Kabul - Afghanistan
Sayed Khil(CHC-Aqtash)
Jalalabad (Travel to Kunar, Nuristan)
Kunduz + Travel to Baghlan
Bamyan; Jalalabad
Bala Murghab District
Bamyan Provincial Hospital
Kabul Bagrami district
کابل افغانستان
Jalalabad and Kandahar
Logar and Paktia
Char Asyab
Arzan Qimat and Dashti Barchi, Kabul
Balkh (Char bolak, Chahi and Nahre shahi districts)
Sar-e-pol (Balkhab, Sancharak, Gosfandi and Sozmaqala)
Sar-e-pol with regular travel to districts
Balkh & Faryab
Jalalabad Covering Nemruz Province with travels to Operational Areas
Feroz Koh
Kabul - with field visits to other fields (Balkh – Faryab), other locations as needed
Qala e Naw
Balkh with travel to Faryab
Kunduz with travels to the participatory districts.
Cities with travels to the participatory districts.
Jalalalabd with travels to the participatory districts.
Kunduz City with travels to the participatory districts.
CDE office, Kabul, Afghanistan
Chamtala Town, Khogyani- Nangarhar
Pul-e Khumri City
Herat City - Having travel to the sites
Baghlan & Jawzjan
Kabul Main Office
Herat city, Qala Now and Farah Ceneter
Ayno mina Hospital
Gardez, Kabul, Kunduz, Badghis, Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Faizabad, Ghazni, Laghman, Mazar
Kabul Main Office with travel to the field offices
3 Districts of Faryab province
Herat (Injil, Ghoryan, Kohsan & Zendajan Districts)
Sar-e- Pol Jawzjan
Kandahar and Zabul
Taiwar MCHC
Kart-e-char Kabul City
Sar-e-Pul with frequent travel to Balkhab, Sancharak, Sozmaqal, Gosfandi
Faizabad PHT
Paktia (Gardez & Zazi Aryub Districts)
Kandahar (Shorabak & Khakrez Districts)
Herat with regular of travel to other provinces
Herat Islam Qala Zero Point
Herat and Farah Provinces with regular travel to targeted Districts
Herat and Ghor Provinces with travel to targeted Districts
Nahrin District Hospital
Kabul with travel to the provinces
Herat with regular travel to Ghor and Farah Provinces
Herat, Farah and Ghor with regular travels to targeted districts
Farah and Ghor with regular travels to targeted districts
Herat and possibility of travel to other provinces
sar e pol
Herat province with regular travels to the targeted provinces(Ghor, and Farah)
Herat and regular travel to targeted districts
Herat and travel to targeted areas ( Ghor and Farah)
Herat, Islam Qala Zero Point
Kandahar Province with frequent travel to Southern provinces
Ghazni Ghoqyani - Baryam
Ghazni (Zana Khan District)
Herat province with regular travels to the targeted provinces/Districts(Ghor and Farah)
Balkh (Shortepa District)
Bamian, Balkh, Herat, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Paktia
Herat ( Transit Center)
Kabul Herat
Herat, Farah and Ghor Provinces with travel to targeted Districts
Jalalabad City Districts
Herat and Farah (Districts)
Kabul City Districts
Herat Islam Qala and Transit Center
Kunar, Goriga HSC
Nad Ali - Chapiano Manda
Washir - Lar Pasaw
Kabul, Kandahar, Oruzgan
Bamyan Regional Office
Balkh (Charbolak District)
Kabul with frequent travels to field
Nangarhar & Parwan
Kunduz Province (100% Ali Abad and Chardara districts of Kunduz province)
Ali Abad & Chardara Districts , Kunduz Province ولسوالی های چهار دره و علی آباد ولایت کندز
Kunar Provincial Office
Kabul REHA HQ Office
Kabul with 60% Travel to provinces
Based in Ghazni but covers khost, Paktia & Paktika
Kabul & Jalalabad
Ghazni ,Khost, Paktia, Paktika
Dar e Sof Payeen
Ghazni city
Kabul and Parwan Districts
West-Regional Office with travelling to Herat, Badghis, Ghor, Farah and Nimroz provinces & districts
Districts of Kabul
Dai Mirdad
Faizabad ,Mengajik, Mordian , Qarqin , Khamyab Districts
Khanaqa ,Aqcha , Faizabad ,Mengajik, Mordian , Qarqin , Khamyab Districts
Kabul, Jalalabad
Arghandab District
Kabul with travel to Provinces
Kabul (with travel to other provinces)
Sheberghan City
Kabul, Bamian & Gardiz
Mohmandara,Lalpur and Dur Baba District of Nangrahar
Nuristan office in Wama district, regular visits to Kunar office for official work
جنگلک، چهسلتون، ناحیه ۷ هفتم
Gorbuz district (Gulan CHC)
Sar-e-Pul, Sayad, Kohistanat
Duab, Mandol and Nuragram Districts
Ghazni , Regular field trips to target districts
Paktia (Shahikot HSC)
Kandahar and Zarange
Baghlan Pul-e-Khumri
Goriga HSC, Kunar Province
Aran Qimat, Dashti Barchi and Koti Sangi
Sar-e Pol
Nurgram, Duab & Mandol
Kabul with travel
د وزیر اکبر خان ۱۴ سړک
3 Position in Kunar & 4 Positions in Laghman
2 Positions in Kunar & 3 Positions in Laghman
2 Position in Kunar & 3 Positions in Laghman
Kabul Country Office
Mazar-I-Sharif & Samangan
Samangan Province
Shor Tapa, Kaldar, Nahre-Shahi , Dehdadi and Balkh Districts
ولایت ذکر شده
ولایات ذکر شده
Nangarhar- Hesarak district- Hesarak-TFU
Kabul, Nangarhar
Lashkargah, Nawzad
farah and Qala e Naw
Qala e Naw, Farah, and Herat
Jawzjan Province
کابل دفتر مرکزی
Pole Alam - Center of Logar
هرات، کندهار، بلخ، ننګرهار
All 34 provinces
Dand Patan district
Turkham Border, Afghanistan Side
Nangarhar Infection Disease Hospital
Provincial Hospital Naib Aminullah Khan
Pole Alam - Center of Logar and Districts of Logar
Kabul with up to 70% travel to field sites
Mazar-e-Sharif,Herat and Nangarhar
Multiple HFs
Baghlan Jadid Pul e Khumri Samangan
Wardak City and Districts
Pul Charkhy Industrial Aria 9 old Police district
Nangarhar,Kama and Laghman Qarghae districts
Badghis City and Districts/Herat City and Districts
Across Afghanistan
Khas Oruzgan District, Shash Borja
Giyan District
Jalalabd with travles to the partcipatory districts of Laghman and Nangarhar
Taloqan City of Takhar Province
Kabul and its districts - Travel to other provinces is required
Kabul with some travels within the country
Maraj District
Taloqan City of Takhar Province.
Kabul - Afghanistan, with expected travel within country
Cities with travels to the partcipatory districts.
SiaGerd District- Parwan Province
MMRCA Kabul Office and frequent travels to Samangan and Sar-e-Pol Provinces/ BPHS Health Facilities
Qala Now City
Baghlan (Pulikhumri Office)
Jawzjan Sar-e Pol
Pashton Abad
Baghlan (Pulikhumri Office) with travel to provinces and Kabul
Kabul + Travel to Provinces (Nangarhar, Parwan & Laghman)
Laghman with travels to it related districts
Balkh, Chemtal
Alingar, District
Herat, Faizabad, Jalalabad
Parwan with travel to Feilds
Kabul Main Office with travel to DACAAR field offices and project sites.
Kabul with travels to the provices
Kabul and Jalalabad
Faizabad, Dasht-e-Qorogh
Herat, Kabul, Nangarhar, Parwan
Firozkoh, Ghowr
Social Mobilizers, 5 positions for health camps in Kunar
Nangarhar & Laghman
Badghis with travel to operational field
Kunar Moni BHC in Shegal district
Jawzjan with travel to operational field
Herat and Adraskan
Balkh with travel to operational field
Pul e Khumri
Kabul Urban
Kunar (one for Moni BHC, one for Watpur SHC and 5 for health camps)
Kunar (5 position for health camps, one for Moni BHC and one for Watapur SHC)
Asadabad City
Center of Provinces
Kabul/Arzan Qimat
Kohsan, karokh and city
Chak District
Khost City (MCHC)
Khost Regional Hospital
Herat with traveling to other provinces
Kabul with frequent travel to operational areas
Khost City MCHC
Eshkashim District
Kabul Health Facility
kandahar , Helmand
Ghazni (Malistan)
Kabul with 60% travel to AWN targeted provinces (Along with Mahram)
Kabul Afghanistan pol e mahmood khan shash dark
Taloqan, Takhar Province
Faryab ( Sardaba Village (Health Center) , Shirin tagab district)
Nimroz with frequent travels to Farah province
Nimruz- Khashrod and Chakhansur
Lalpura & Chaparhar
Bala Murghab, and Qades Districts
Jalalabad with travels to the eastern region provinces
Mazar E Sharif
Jalalabad City Nangarhar Afghanistan
Provincial Office + HFs
Afghan Japan Hospital - Kabul
Balkh (Mazar)
Baharak District
Bahark District
Mazar-e-Sharif with travel to chemtal district
Mazar-e-Sharif and Hairatan
ولایت غزنی
Jawzjan (Sheberghan MCHC)
Kabul REHA HQ Office.
Badghis with travel to operational field (Ab Kamari, Bala Murghab, Ghormach, and Mugur)
Jawzjan with travel to operational field (Khanaga and Chemtal)
Balkh (Chemtal)
Badghis (2 in Ab Kamari, 2 in Bala Murghab, 2 in Ghormach and 2 in Mugur)
Mohammad agha
Jawzjan (2 in Shiberghan and 2 in Khanaga)
ولایت کندهار
Nangarhar with travel to feilds
Baghran - Bashlang and Nawzad - Berang Bawri
Area Office West - Herat
Badghis two couple per each district (Ab Kamari, Bala Murghab, Ghormach and Mugur)
Badghis (Ab Kamari, Bala Murghab, Ghormach and Mugur)
Jawzjan two couple per each district (Shiberghan and Khanaga)
Based in Shiberghan city with regular trips to Khanaga and Chemtal districts.
2 couples in Balkh (Chemtal)
Ghazni (With Field Support)
Kabul, Balkh
Kabul with travel to feilds
Area Office West - Farah
Nangarhar (With travel to districts)
Afghanistan Country Office
Koohistan, Raghistan, Yaftal, Yawan
Herat, Kabul, Laghman, Nangarhar
Kabul with frequent visits to provinces of AADA operations
Oruzgan, Kandahar and Zabul
The position is based in Kabul city with travelling to regions.
Sar-e-Pol Provincial Office
Kabul with frequent travels to the field
Kabul with 40% travel to field
Nili, Kejran District
Khost (MCHC)
Kabul Office
Nangarhar / Faizabad
Kabul - Arzan Qemat
Badakhshan / Takhar
Kamdesh District
( Khoshi CHC )
Kabul, Bamyan, Jalalabad
Jalalabad - Afghanistan
Qala-e- Naw Badghis
Kabul with frequently travelling to Nangarhar
Gardez , Herat
Kabul, Gardez, Jalalabad, Kunduz, Mazar-e-sharif, Kandahar, and Herat
Mehtarlam & Surkhroad Districts
East – Regional Office / Nangarhar Provincial Office with travel to the field and project sites
Kapisa (MCHC)
Kapisa MCHC
Samangan (Covering the districts)
Farah MCHC
Multiple Locations
Dashti Archi
Pato District Daikondi
Duty station Kabul with frequent travel to the targeted provinces of the project
Kabul- District 11
Spin Boldak district (Sorki lazhi and Kandahari Chowk Villages ability to work in both locations)
kunar (Districts)
Chinari HSCs
Herat City - Gozara & Injil Districts
Ghor province, Firozkoh, Al Farooq, Pasaband and Saghar districts
Talqan City and Districts
Taiwara District
Saghar (MCHC)
Kabul + Provinces
Samangan and Wardak
Field Based on Community level. (Loger and Paktya Provinces)
Talqan City
Pole Khumri, Kunduz & Talqan
14 districts of Kabul
Paktia, Shawak (Shabak HSC)
کلینیک شبک ,پکتیا ، ښواک ولسوالی
Paktia, Shawak, Shabak HSC
Paktia, Shawak (Shabak,HSC)
Paktia, Shawak, (Shabak HSC)
Paktia province Shawak District, Shabak HSC
Paktia, Shawak, Shabak SHC
Paktia Province , Shawak District , Shabak HSC
Nimruz with travel to Operational Areas
Paktia, Shawak , Shabak SHC
Nimruz with Travels to Operational areas
Taluqan City
پکتیا ، ښواک ، شبک کلینک
Kunar - Manugai (MCHC)
Naish, Shoraback, Arghisatan, Shahwalikot, Ghurak and Miansheen
Khaza Maka
Ghazni with travel to Paktika
Balkh Province with frequent travel to northern provinces.
Herat [Herat]
Center and Districts of Takhar / Center and Districts of Badakhshan
Badakhshan Center and Districts/Takhar Center and Districts
Jalalabad, Kandahar, Zaranj, Lashkargah
Lashkargah, Zaranj
Alishang, Alingar , Mango & Barekzai HSCs
Kunar office with regular visits to Nuristan office and to the project sites
Nangarhar Province, Ghulam Dag, Sarband , Goshta & Chaparhar HSCs
Kabul and Parwan
Khost Matoon
Khost Provincial Hospital
Herat (Injil, Guzara and Kushk Rubatsangi Districts)
Hazrat Sultan
Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Nimruz, Oruzgan
Kabul with frequent traveling to 34 provinces
Kabul and Paktia's districts
With Travel to Districts
With Travel to East Region Provinces
Kabul with Travel to Provinces
34 Provinces of Afghanistan
Chaghcharan (Firozkoh), Marghab District, Charsada, Dawlat Yar, Du Layna District, Shahrak, Tulak
Chaghcharan (Firozkoh)
Marghab District
Field Based on Community level. (Logar and Paktya Province)
Herat-Sub offices
Field Roving
Kunar Center and Districts
Paktia Province
Nangarhar Regional Hospital
Based in Kabul - With frequently travel to provinces
Gardez (Paktia Province) with movement within the Southeast region
Bamyan , Moor Trapas CHC in Panjab District
Waras District Hospital
Bamyan, Moor Tarapas CHC
Center and Districts of Mentioned Provinces
Kabul - Travel to Provinces and Districts of Afghanistan
Kabul, Panjshir and Faizabad
Farza District
Baka FHH, Pashtoon Zarghoon district
Aybak, Samangan, Afghanistan
Asadabad and Mehtarlam
Herat districts
Kabul (some travel to provinces)
Bamayn Waras District Hospital
Bamyan, Roy Sang CHC In Kahmard District
Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Sar-e-Pol, Taloqan
Azadai Meena (1200 Families), Khost, AFG
Herat City - With having travel to project sites
Want Waigal District
Kabul, Lashkargah, Kandahar and Oruzgan
Char Asayab
Require Travels
Jalalabad, Kabul
Badghis City and Districts/Wardak City
Zendajan District
Senzala - Bad Pakh - Laghman
Aab Paran, Mohammad Agha Logar
Kabul (with occasional travel to provinces)
Manogi HD,Asmar CHC+
Kundaz with Travel to Operational Areas
Kundaz with travel to operational areas
Kundaz with travel to areas of operations
Kabul and its districts
Yawan district of Badakhshan, (with frequent travel to Raghustan)
Ghazni with traveling to fields
Kabul Central
Kabul, Kandahar
Main Branch
Sorobi, Jegdalek
Nangarhar (Chaprahar, Kuz Kunar, Khogyani and Bati Kot districts)
(Chawki, Khas kunar and Shigal districts)
(Mehtarlam and Qarghai distiricts)
Herat City with having travel to provinces and filed.
Main Office Kabul with Travel to DACAAR field offices
Faizabad, Pul E Khumri and Taliqan
Pul E Khumri and Kabul
Kabul, Badakhshan, Baghlan and Takhar
Shabrghan City
Aybak & Taliqan
Kabul (Travel to Samangan and Takhar )
Nawda Mora, Ghazi Abad, Badi Abad HSCs
مرکز و ولسوالی های ولایت کندز
Kabul, with frequent travel to other provinces
Baghlan e Jadid
Jawzjan (covering Jawzjan and Balkh provinces)
Sawkai and Khas Kunar
Balkh and Kunar
Daikondi Province
Herat and Daikondi
Balkh Office with frequent traveling to other provinces
Kabul (Travel To Paktia If Possible)
Bangi, Kalafgan, Farkhar, Worsej and Taloqan
Hazart-e-Sultan, Dara-e-Sof Bala, Dara-e-Sof Payan and Aybak
Khulm District - Khulm District Hospital
Kandahar & Nimruz Provinces
مزار شریف
Kandahar, Nangarhar
Balkh, Bamian, Herat, Kabul
Barchi, Taimani, Arzan Qimat, Herat-Ameryat Square, Jalalabad-Kama Bus Station
Spin Boldak, Kandahar City, Daman & Panjwai District (1 Male for Each Districts)
Kabul with travels to the provinces
Bamyan (Yakaulang MCHC, Yakaulang 1 district)
Ghazni Waghaz MHT
Mehtarlam City, Laghman
Mazar-e-Sharif with possible travel of Jawzijan and Samangan Provinces
Parwan, Herat
Ghuryan Distract / Farah City
Faryab province Saradaba health facility of Sherin Tagab district
Zozgara and Bawari
Ghuryan Distract & Farah City
Heart Travel to Badghis and Farah
Char Asyab,/ Istalif
Qala Luqman/ Istalif
Char Asyab and Istalif
Kabul with travel to Kandahar and Herat
Mazar, Aybak, Sheberghab with regular travel to the districts
Sheberghan, Aybak and Mazar-e-Sharif
Aybak, Sheberghan and Mazar-e-Sharif
Paktia & Paktika
Farah City
Kabul Center
ولایت نیمروز
kabul Center
Faryab, Jawzjan & Sar-e Pol
Kandahar with travel to Kabul (Roving)
Mazar-e-Sharif, Aybak and Sheberghan
Mazar-e-Sharif with possible travel to the provinces of Samangan and Jawzijan
Dawlat abad HSC
Herat City - Having Visit other centers
ولایت پروان
Charbolak and Chahi districts.
3 distracts of khost
Kabul with frequent travels to Project sites
Nadarshah kot, Tanai & alishiro
Kandahar and Districts
Herat city
Kabul (Rare travel to provinces)
Ghazni City
Herat city and Injil district
All above cities
Laghman with tarvels to Nangarhar and Kunar
Hesarak District
Kabul province
Trinkot City
Sar-e-Pul (Sayad & Sancharak)
Qalai Fatuhllah
Azim Jan, Containar Bazar
Kunduz & Baghlan Provinces (Targeted Districts)
Kandahar (Spin Boldak and Takhtapul districts)
Kunduz & Badakhshan Provinces (Targeted Districts)
Kunduz Province (Targeted Districts)
Districts in ZBL Province
Shah Joy District
Nimruz (Zaranj City and roving in health clinics)
Kunduz and Baghlan Provinces (Targeted Districts).
Kabul with travel to operational areas
مزارشریف +سفربه ولایات
Based in Kabul, frequently visit to Panjshir and Wardak
Sar-e-Pol province and frequent trip the district/HFs
Helmand & Kandahar
Jalalabad, Asadabad & Mehtarlam
Positions: Kabul (1) Nangarhar (1) Mazar (1) Herat (1)
Faryab province (Qaisar & Sherin Tagab Districts)
Faryab province (Maimana with Travel to districts)
Herat-Zendajan District
Kandahar (Shorabak District)
Sub-Office, Kabul 12th district
Burka, Baghlan-e-Jadid, Dahn-e-Ghoori, Dand-e-Ghoori, Dooshi & Polikhumri Districts
Puli Alam
Herat city and Surrounding
Baghlan (Polikhumri with travel to all districts and other provinces)
Kunduz City with travel to districts and other provinces
Kunduz City, Emam Sahib, Kalbad Districts
Kabul, travel to base offices in Eastern and Southeastern provinces
Pengram CHC+
Firoz Khoh
District : Dehrawood
HealthNet TPO, Kabul Training Center
Mazar, Bamian City, Herat City, Jalaabad, Zarag, Gardez
Shahrak-hayratan/ Shortepa/Kaldar
Pol-e Khumri
Faizabad, Mazar, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad
Hayratan/ Kaldar/ Shortepa
Shahrak Hayratan/ Kaldar/ Shortepa
Arghandab, Khakriz, Sha Wali Kot, Meyanishin, Panjwayee, Kandahar, Nish
Sheberghan and Mazar-e-sharif
Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Nimruz
Regular field trips to target districts (All Districts of Farah Province)
Regular field trips to target districts
Jalalabad (Takia, kozbehar and wazir Angora HSCs)
All Districts of Farah Province
Takhar (Chal, Nak Aab, Hazar Samoch and Darqad)
Badakhshan (Ishkashem, Wakhan, Zebak, Shughnan and Keran wa Munjan)
Herat - with travels to project area
Takhar Province, Chahab District , Warnakhah Village
Gizab, Khas Urozgan, and Chinartoo Districts
Mazar Sharif
Kabul with travel to fields
Visit to Helmand , Zabul and Urozgan Province
Gulran, Adriskan
Herat, with frequent visits/travel to Nimruz, Kandahar, and Nangarhar provinces
Jawzjan (Qarqin MCHC)
Cites with travels to the partcipatory Districts
Jalalabad, with frequent visits/travel to Nimruz and Kandahar provinces
Kabul, Khushal Khan Speen kaly Square, 5th district شهر کابل ناحیه پنجم
Jawzjan Sub-office
ولایت بادغیس
Nawa-Spin Boldak
Kabul and two other provinces depending on project needs.
Ahmad Aba, Sayed Karam, Zurmat, Ahmad Khail, Paktia Province
Sayed Karam, Ahmad Khail and Zurmat Districts of Paktia province
Nuristan with frequent filed visits to districts
1 Nuristan with frequent filed visits to districts and 1 Kunar with frequent visits to districts
Nangarhar with frequent filed visits to Kunar & Nuristan districts
Yawan District, Badakhshan Province.
3 Female 1 Male
Badakhshan Regional Office
Kala Khor BHC, Khas Uruzgan district
With daily travel to the districts of Herat and Ghowr provinces.
Jalalabad, Kunar
Laghman Sub Base
sharak and Morghab
Kandahar – Afghanistan
Shash Burja Khas, Urozgan districts
Kiti /Kijran Districts
Kapisa Province (حصه دوم کوهستان، نجراب، اله سایی، کوه بند، محمود راقی)
Kabul / Afghanistan
with travel to the other provinces
Momandara District
Badghis, Baghlan, Herat, Jawzjan, Kapisa, Takhar
Herat City with Having travel to districts
Arzan Qimat, Kabul
Chahab district of Takhar Province
ولایت تخار
Garm Ser
Gomal District
Kabul with travels to fields
Kunar Province with regular travel to other intervention areas based on need
Kabul with Traveles to Provinces
Kandahar City
Sharana-Urgon District
One (1) Male for both Faryab and Sari Pul provinces.
One (1) Male to cover both Faryab and Sari Pul provinces.
Paktika MCHC
Daikundi MCHC
Ghazni & Nangarhar
Kabul Province with travels to the regional offices (East, Southeast, and Central Afghanistan)
Paktia (Gardez District Chawani)
Chisht-sharif, Obe, Ghoryan, Gozara, Koshk-e-rabat Sangi
ولایت بلخ
Ghazni (Malistan, Ajiristan)
Panjwayi District, Kandahar Province
Kandahar (Neish District)
Kabul Urban HF
Herat City - Enjil, Pashtun Zarghon and Karukh Districts
Ghor City - Shahrak, Tulak and Saghar Districts
Qala-e-now city
Qala-e-now city with Frequents travels to targets Districts
Herat (Robat Sangi District)
Pul e Khomri
Badghis districts
Faryab, Almar and Khjasbzposh Districts
Badghis Districts
Faryab, Almar and Khajasabzposh Districts
Kabul With Provincial Travels
Faryab Province
Kabul و در صورت ضرورت سفر به ولایات
Sarepul: Gorkab village, Sozma qala- district
Sharestan, Kajran, and Pato districts
Spin Boldak district (Sorkia Lazhi and Kandahari chawk villages)
شهر نیلی
Ghowr, Afghanistan
Farah City - With having travel to project sites
Qala Now City - With having travel to project sites
Badghis Province - Bala Murghab District
Mahmood Raqi
Urozgan province with frequent travel to Districts
Various Provinces/ Cities
Multiple Provinces/ Cities
Paktika (Orgun MCHC)
All Afghanistan
Central City @ Provinces
Laghman, Muhajir Camp & Salab HSCs
Badakhshan, Kabul
Jalalabad (Takia, kozbehar HSCs)
Maidan Shar, Nerkh, Jelriz, Sayedabad, Chak, Daimirdad, Jaghato, Hesa e awal Behsood, Markaz Behsood
Balkh Shortepa PSCC
With travel to 12 provinces of central region
Kunar with frequent filed visits to Kunar & Nuristan districts
Farah Province - Pusht Road District
Kabul, Bamian and Khost
Kabul (Qasaba PSCC)
Bamyan Yakawlan MCHC
Kabul/Sar-e Pol
Nangarhar with frequent filed visits to Kunar & Nuristan districts.
قلعه نو
Samangan Feroz Nakhchir MCHC
Kunduz (Dobandi Arabha MCHC)
Sharana City
Helmand, Nangarhar and Jawzjan
Herat with frequent visits to operation sites
Guzara, Chesht-e-Sharif, Obe, Robat Sangi and Ghurian Districts
Kabul with some travel when needed
Zandajan District, Shakiban
Marja, Musa Qala, Nawzad, Kajaki, Baghran, Baghni, Khanasheen, Baramcha
Chaghcharan, Ghowr
Kalakan District, Bazari Village
Dara-E-Nur & Khewa Districts
Kabul with frequent traveling to provinces
Ghazni, Herat, Khost
Kabul & Paktia's Provincial Districts
Qala Naw City
Remote (Work from Home)
Baghlan and Samangan
All Provinces of Afghanistan
Kabul & Paktia's all Provincial Districts
Alasai District, Deminji MHT
Mazar-e-Sharif, Herat City, Kabul City, Kandahar City, Jalalabad City
Eastern Region
Balkh: Chahi district-Farukhabad village
Paktika (Sharana MCHC)
Badghis with traveling to districts
Multiples Districts
duty base section is Kabul with travel to AWN targeted provinces
Paktika Districts including Sharana
Kabul, Afghanistan (with provinces travels)
Kabul with travel to three other provinces depending on project needs
Kabul, Kandahar, Baghlan, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Paktia, Jawzjan, Bamian, Balkh
Herat with frequent trips to different provinces.
Mazar-e-Sharif, Faizabad
guldara, Qarabagh and Kalakan Districts
Faizabad, Pulkhomri, Kunduz, Taloqan, Aybak, Mazari sharif, Shebergahn, Sare pul and Maimana cities
Norgal, Sawki and Khas Khuar
Behsood, Jalalabad, and Kooz Kunar
Shahwalikot District
Paktia, based on need travel to Ghazni base.
Herat or Daikundi
Mazar-e-Sharif, Faizabad, Sar-e-pol city, and Taloqan
Mazar-e-Sharif, Faizabad, Sar-e-pol, and Taloqan city
Hesa awal kohistan
Kandahar (Roving)
Laghman (Dawlat Shah District)
Farah with frequent travel to Badghis province
Kunar (in Goriga)
Tirinkot, Uruzgan province with travel to other districts
Mazar E Sharif - Choghdak BHC
Mazar E Sharif (Choghdak BHC)
Mazar E Sharif - Nowshad BHC
Faizabad - Badakhshan
Herat City, Farah and Qala Now
ولایت پنجشیر
Central Area Office
Sar -e- Pul Province
کلینیک ملاخلیل ولسوالی حصه دوم کوهستان
Pul-e-Kumri, Balkh, Bamian, Maymana, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunduz, Jalalabad, Gardiz
Mazar-e-Sharif (with frequent travel to districts)
Parwan with travel to Panjshir and Kapisa Provinces
Main Branch Kabul
Wama District
Zaranj City & All Districts of Nimruz
Gayan District
Orzugan city and districts
Daikundi MCHC (Maramor)
Herat, Paktia, Kandahar and Ghor with frequent visits to service delivery points
Herat (Guzara District)
Dara-e-Sofe Payen District
Kabul (Afghan Japan Hospital)
Deharawood DH
Taloqan City, Takhar Province
Qala-e-now city Qala-e-now city With Frequent (QIN,Qadis,Muqor,Jawand,Abkamari and Bala Murghab)
Cheghcharan with frequents (Firozkoh, Dowlatyar, Charsada, Murghab)
Herat - Islam Qala
Qala-e-now city With Frequent (QIN,Qadis,Muqor,Jawand,Abkamari and Bala Murghab)
Kunar Province based in Goriga HSC
Faryab IMC office
Tarin Kot
Zaranj City & All Districts of Nimroz
Kabul city
Zaranj City & all district offices in Nemruz Province
Zaranj City & all districts of Nemroz
Nangarhar and Kunar Provincial Office
Zaranj City & all district offices in Nemroz Province
Nangarhar, Kunar Provincial Office
Darzab, Qalat to Shahre Safa and Mohammad Agha District (Aynak Mine)
Samangan province
شهر شبرغان
West - RO / Herat - Regional Office with travel to the field offices
Herat resident will be Preferred
Herat Training Center
شهر کندز
Samangan Provincial Office
Kabul with regular travel to regions
Shah joy, Qalat Shajoy, Arghandab, Mizana, Tarnak, Jaldak, Sheenky, Attaghar, Shamulzi, Nawbahar
Based in Uruzgan Province, Khas UZG District, with biweekly travel to outreach sites.
Herat or Bamiyan
Daichopan, Khak-E-Afghan Shajoy, Arghandab, Attaghar
CHRO Daikundi Office
Willingness and ability to travel to provinces with the team and her Mahram
Shah Wali Kot District
Wach Tangi (MCHC)
Sheikh Misri MCHC
Shamuram, Haidar Khani, Salingar HSCs/Laghman Province
Laghman province ( Mango HSC in Alingar district)
Daikundi (Meramore MCHC)
Parwan`s Districts
Samangan (FerozNakhchir MCHC)
ولایت پکتیا
Charbolak District
Bamyan PSCC
Herat (Pashtun Zarghun District)
Lodin (DH)
Chemtal District of Balkh Province
Kabul (with frequent travel to project sites)
Kabul, Mohammad Raqi, Bazarak & Charikar
Archi District
Herat City with travel to project field
Daikundi (New MCHC) Meramore district
shirzad/ Dehbala
Paktika (Sharan)
Herat city (with frequent travel to project sites)
Ghanikhil DH & Piwa DH
⛪ #05, 03 Street, Kuwaiti Masjed, Khushal khan, Kabul-Afghanistan.
Parwan Districts
Farah city - With Having Travel to Tejerk Site
2 for Kunar, 1 for Laghman, 1 for Nuristan and Logar
Firoz Koh( Targeted Area of Ghor)
Dai Mirdad District
Ghor City - Shahrak, and Saghar Districts
Ghor Province - Shahrak, Tulak and Saghar Districts
Kunduz with travel to Field
Provincial center
Daikondi, Herat, and Nangarhar
Daikondi, Herat, Khost
Chinarto district, Uruzgan Province with daily travel to the clinic sites.
جلال آباد
Uruzgan Province, Dehrawud District, Afghanistan
Based in Khost Province with frequent travel to Paktia Province
Nangarhar, Laghman
Mazar e Sharife
Zurmat DH
Herat(Zawol District) Farah( Golestan District)
Herat(Zawol District ) Farah( Golestan District)
Specific District
Kabul, Mazar, Herat, Kandahar, Kunduz & Jalalabad
Laghman Province, Alingar , Mango HSCs
Herat City - Injil District - Jaqartan Clinic
Faizabad District
Kabul and Nangarhar
Kabul, REHA HQ Office
Herat City, Islam Qala, Nimroz, Kandahar City, Spin Boldak, and Torkham
Helmand (Marja Passab, Grishk and Sangin Districts)
Kabul ( District 17 & 1)
Kabul ( With Field Support)
Herat City - Injil District - Meladan & Jaqartan Health Centers
Shinkay district (Spidar village)
Kandahar city and Districts
Samangan, Gardiz, Khost, Faiz Abad and Baghlan
Tolak MCHC
Herat City - Karukh, Injil, and Pushton Zarghon Districts
مراکز ولایات
Kandahar city with Traveling to Districts (Meyaneshin & Nessh)
Kandahar city
Badakhshan City and Districts/TakharCity and Districts
Kandahar + Travel to Kabul when required
Sar e Pol
Herat, Pashton Zarghoon
Ghazni Province
Nuristan , Balkh
Bandar SHC
Bagrami, Char Asiab, and Paghman Districts of Kabul Province
کلینیک جامع تداوم صحی ولایت فاریاب
Kandahar, Meyaneshin & Nesh District
Nili Daikundi
Panjab District
Kabul Main Office with travel to DACAAR field offices and project sites
Marja District
Qaysar District,
Qaisar District
Ahangara, Maho, Aqcheshma Villages of Roy-e Douab & Khuram Wa Sarbagh Districts
Helmand and Zabul
All Districts of Jozjan province
All Districts of Jawzjan province
All Districts of Faryab province
Kabul [Kabul]
Khan Abad District
Sachak, Deharoos, Uzmook, Kitti, Ahanger, Gazbeeri
Jalalabad, Mehtarlam, Asadabad
Kandahar and Oruzgan
Qala Now City - With having travel to Herat
Asadabad, Mehtarlam
Central, Northern and Eastern Regional
Kandahar PRC
Central, Northern and Eastern Regions of Afghanistan
Herat, Kabul
Kunar, Nangarhar, Badghis and Laghman
Qaisar Distrcit
Murdian district
Taiwara, Firozkhoh, Dolina and Charsada
Faryab City
Badghis City & Faryab City
Sar-e-Pul Province
Kandahar main base with possibility of traveling to project sites.
South Helmand (with travel to field compounds among the region)
Mazar-e Sharif/MRC
Keshendeh & Darah Soof Payen.
Balkh Mazar-e Sharif/MRC
Balkh/Mazar Rehabilitation Center
Mazar -e- Sharif
Faizabad with travels to the participatroy districts
Balkh (District 10)
Nangarhar (Khogyani, Achin Districts)
Kandahar and Nimroz
Ploi-e-Khumri, Samangan, Balkh
Takhar and Taloqan
Farah City - Khak Safid District
Badghis Province - Qormach District
Herat City - With having travel to district sites
Maiwand and Miyan Nasheen Districts
Nawa Spinboldak
Badghis (Ghormach District)
Takhar (Regional Office)
Herat with multiple travel to other provinces based on need
Herat Air port
Herat, Jalalabad
Daman District, Ghaibi Kalacha village, Health facility (Ghaibi Kalacha BHC)
Daman district (Ghaibi Kalacha) and Zharai Districts (Sia Choi)
Shortipa & Kaldar Districts
Area Office East- Kunar
Area Office East- Jalalabad
Khost (Matun or Nadarshah-kot district)
Kunar Province based in Chinari HSC
Different Districts
Nangarhar (Khogiani and Chamtala Districts), Balkh (Mazar-e-Sharif), Faryab
Kiti & Kijran districts, with daily travel to the clinic sites
Spin Boldak
kabul ShirPoor
Eastern Region, Afghanistan
Farah, Badghis
Badghis and Zabul and its some Districts
Gardiz (covering Ghazni, Khost and Paktika)
Spain Boldak
Mazar I Sharif
Qowa e Markaz
Frequent travel to MCA offices in the provinces
Herat with frequent trip to different provinces.
Takhar and Kunduz
Jalalabad JRC/DI
Kabul and Sar-e-Pol
Laghman and Logar
Bamyan Center
ولایت کنر
Herat City, Injil District, Jaghartan Center
Herat City - Injil District - Meladan Center
District of Barmal
Zabul (Roving - Kandahar) Sar-e-Pul (Roving/Kunduz), Jawzjan (Roving/Kunduz)
CEFCs in Kabul
Jalalabad, Rodat, Surkhroad, Kama, Chaparhar, Asadabad, Mehtralam and Alingar Districts.
Zabul (Roving/Kandahar) Sar-e-Pul (Roving/ Kunduz), Jawzjan (Roving/Kunduz) 6 positions
South Regional Office / Helmand – Sangin Field Office with travel to the field.
Kabul with 90% traveling to 34 provinces
Panjshir, Parwan, Kapisa
Ghazni /Paktika
Khost /Paktia
Herat and Mazar
5 selected Districts of Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar
Zabul (Roving/Kandahar) Sar-e-Pul (Roving/ Kunduz), Jawzjan (Roving/Kunduz)
Kabul Travel to Field
Provincial Office
Mazar with travel
Maiwand District, Kandahar
Kuwaiti Masjed, Khushal khan, Kabul-Afghanistan.
Nili, Jalalabad, Herat, Khost
Kandahar, Helmand
Paktika Gayan District
Kabul, With Traveling to Provinces
Kabul & Sharana city
Firoz koh
Nilli, Herat, Khost, Jalalabad
,پکتیا ، سیدکرم ولسوالی کلینیک د عثمان خیل FHH
Bamyan (Covid 19 Hospital)
Pule Khumri
Herat/ Shindan - Kosha Koh - e - Zor District
Sherogai HSC, Kunar
Badghis Province and its districts - Travel to other provinces is required
Badghis with frequent travel to districts
Female Canaidates Daikondi, Ghowr, and Takhar
Zarang City
Herat - Kosha Koh - e - Zor
Ghazni province Giro District
Tarin Kot District
Laghman with frequent Travels to districts
Khwaja bahauddin District
Chora District
Shahristan District
Chapa Dara
Azadai Meena, Khost, AFG
Khost with frequent travels to districts
Sholgara District
Kabul Main Office and SarePul Project Office
ولایت بغلان
Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar, with oversight responsibilities in north region and in the Kabul
Muhajir Camp, Farmankhil, Haiderkhani, Salingar, Shamaram, and Salab HSCs/Laghman Province
Kabul city and Panjab district of Bamyan province
Kabul Co
Herat with Visits to Field
Jalalabad - Travels to target districts
Kunduz City
Herat City - Shindand District
Kabul/Mazar (with options for remote participation)
Surkhroad & Rodat districts
Bamian, Tarinkot
Ghowr Center,Kunar Asadabad
1 in Sar-i-Pul, 3 in Jawzjan & 4 in Faryab
Maiman & Andkhoy cities
Andkhoy & Sar-e-pul
Maimana city & Pashtonkot
TAKIA & Wazir Angora HSCs
Tal-O Barfak District
Nangarhar province (Sarband HSC)
Kabul with Provincial Travels
Kabul, Medair Office
Bamyan (Regional Office)
Kishum DH
(Bilcheragh, Dawlat Abad and Qaysar districts)
Shahr-E-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan
Faryab province (with Travel to districts)
Mazar-e-sharif and Sheberghan
Gamba DH
Alingar DH
Balkh , Herat, jawzjan, Nangarhar, Samanagan, kandahar
Center of each province
Laghman, Shamaram, Haidar Khani & Selingar , Salab & Mahajir Camp HSCs
Urozgan, Tarinkot, Dehrawood, and Khas Urozgan districts
Tarinkot, Dehrawood, and Khas Urozgan districts
Dehrawood district
Hybrid Position, Afghanistan
Mazar-i-Sharif & Kandahar
Herat (Ghorian,) Maidan Wardak (Daimirdad)
Medair Kabul Office, travels to other Medair bases in Afghanistan
Multiple Districts
Kabul. All ACBAR staffs must abide by all safety and security protocols.
Sia Gurd District Parwan Province
Sheberghan PSCC
Kabul & visit from Bamian, Farah, Oruzgan, Herat, Paktika and other Projects of RHDO
ولایت لوگر
Main Cities and might be some districts
Faryab with traveling to the districts
Sang-e-Takht TFU
Nuristan Wama District
Balk, Bamian, Herat, Nangarhar, Nimruz, Paktia
East RO / Nangarhar Provincial Office, with travel to field offices
Shamaram and Salab HSCs, Alishang district
Lashkar Gah
Yamgan District
Kabul Mazar-e-Sharif
Paktika MCHC (Sharana)
Ghazni City and Travel to Districts is required/Wardak City and Travel to Districts is required.
Farah (Abu Nasr Farahi Border), Islam Qala, Tor Ghondi, Spin Boldak, Tor Kham, Zaranj
Balkh, Faryab, Samangan, Sar-e-Pol
Zabul, Qalat
Khost and Paktika Provinces
Mazar, Jalalabad, Herat, Kandahar
Herat and Kabul
شهر ایبک
Balkh, Sar-e-Pol
Khost Provincial Office and Khost Provincial Hospital
Jegdalek, Mastachina and Babagoshqar
Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Kandahar
Meyanashin District
Kakor Clinic, Kabul
Trinkoot Provincial Hospital
Shabarghan - Jalalabad - Charikar / MoPH Health Care Centers
Faiz Abad
Daikondi province with travel to targeted districts
Kunar with frequent filed visits to Kunar & Nuristan districts.
Mazar-e Sharif
Herat, Kandahar/Zabul, Sar-e-pul, Jawzjan
Mazar e Sharif but travel to Jawzjan, Faryab and Samangan Provinces
Mazar E Sharif (Nawshad BHC)
Bamiyan, Kahmard district, Dasht Safed BHC
Hussain Khail CHC
One Year with three months probationary period, extendable
Traveling to Kandahar
Khas Kunar District
Kabul and Roving
JAL regional office (with regular visits to field Sites in the east region)
Aynoo Mina
Shar-e-Now & Dasht-e-Qorogh
Lalpur and Mohammad Agha
Kabul (With Field Support)
Tarinkot District, Chinarto District
Surkhrod (Roving/Nangahar) Mihtarlam (Roving/Jalalabad & Langman)
Kabul with visit to 3 Provinces
Kabul Medair Office and travel to other Medair bases if needed.
Balkh and Sar-e-Pol
Chahi, and Dawlat Abad districts
Based in Faryab responsible for northern region covering Faryab and Balkh
Kabul with regular travel to all 34 provinces
Bagrami Kabul
Kunar Province /Sooky HSC in Ghazi abad district, and Goriga HSC in Dangam district.
Kunar province (Sooky in Ghaziabad, Shumash in Nurgal districts)
Nad Ali, Nawzad and Baghran
Kotal khair khana
Chaghcharan and Charsada
Takhar (Taloqan)
Takhar Yangi Qala
kotal khair khana
East - Regional Office / Laghman - Alingar District Office with travelling to other districts.
Bamiyan, Shombul BHC and Qaraghojur SHC
Shawali kot,Spin boldak,panjwayee,zharai,gorak,Arghandab,daman,takhtapol,dand,city,arghastan
Jawzjan City
Herat City - Karukh District
Nangarhar with frequent field visits to districts in Nangarhar & Kunar
Nangarhar, including travels to Kunar & Nuristan Provinces districts
Laghman (Mehtarlam and Qarghai distiricts)
Kandahar with Travel
Babi Kas Village, Khogyani District, Nangarhar Province
Herat City & Islam Qala Town
Baghlan, Kanadahar,Kunuz
Kabul Charahi Qambar
Nad Ali
Arghandab and KDR City
(for Bilcheragh, Dawlat Abad and Qaysar districts)
Herat City, Ghoryan District - Shabash Site
Nangarhar Province, Based in Bi Bi Fatima Zahra Hospital
Laghman Province, Alingar , Mango HSC
Shahikot HSC, Borgy HSC,Tera Tand and Daraka HSC
Herat - Kohizor (Shindand)
Istiqlal MLMCC, Kabul city
Afghanistan-Kabul with frequent travel to partners offices in other provinces
Aqrabat SHC
Shebar District Shunbul BHC
Maimana city with travel to districts
Chenzaye SHC
Qala Now (Qormach District )
Sheera BHC
Shakardara CHC
Herat (Islam Qala, GCT)
Herat City (Jaghartan, Maladan and Shabash)
Herat (Islam Qala)
Baghlan, Takhar
پل علم
Qarabagh DH
ولایت غور
Kabul, Ahmad Shah Baba Town
Badakhsan, Balk, Bamian, Daikondi, Ghowr, Kabul, Laghman, Nangarhar, Nursitan and Takhar
Nimruz and Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat
Kabul, Jawzjan, Baghlan, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Nimruz, Sar-e Pol, and Herat
12 couple (Lash-i-Jwin, Bala buluk, Farah Road, Shib-i-koh)
Kabul with Travel Other Provinces
National Program Office
Nawa District
Pule Alam NAK
Badi-ul-abad BHC, Laghman province
Muhajerin Camp HSC Haider Khani HSC, Shamuram HSC, Badiulababd BHC and Nawdamora BHC
12 couple (Jawand, Qadis, Ghormach, Qala- Naw)
Jalalabad Regional office with regular visit from all east HFs
Zabul Center Qalat + Travel
Jalalabad, Parun & Asad Abad
1 couple +1 Male for each District (Lash- Jwin, Bala buluk, Farah road, Shib koh)
12 couple ( Koshk- e- kohna, pushton zargun, shindand, Adraskan)
1 couple +1 Male for each District ( Jawand, Qadis, Qurmach, Qala- Naw)
1 couple +1 Male for each District (Koshk- e- kohna, pushton zargun, shindand, Adraskan)
Dahan Shala SHC
مرکزصحی اساسی خستک
رکزصحی فرعی خمبیل بالا ولایت بدخشان
Nusai Cluster
Yawan Cluster
Paimazar SHC
Herat, paktia
Kabul (with field visits)
Herat & Frequently visits/travel to Farah and Badghis
Health Facilities in Kandahar, Spin Boldak District (Kandahari Chawk and Sorki Lazhi villages)
Wazir Akbar Khan
Kunduz city/MHNT Office
Lal wa Sarjangal District
Boyazar Girls High School, Shakardara District, Kabul
Parwan Tai Khan, Seya Gurd District
mazare sharif
Farah province with travel to targeted districts
Faring District
Roy-e Douab and Khuram Wa Sarbagh Districts of Samangan Province
Nangarhar, Herat, Balkh, Kandahar, Khost, Takhar
All provinces
Baghlan Regional Office
Kabul - Mazar - Bamyan - Kandahar - Kunduz - Jalalabad - Gardez
Baharak & Jurm Disrict
Saripul district: roving
Shar Buzarg
Argo District
Pato District
Mohammad Agha District (Aynak Mine)
Khair Khana
Pule sorkh Karte 3
Kart-e-3 Pule sorkh
Khost Provincial Office, Kunar Provincial Office
Kushk Robat Sangi District
Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-e-sharif
Puli-Khumri, Dahna -e-Ghori and Baghlan-e-Jadid
Kabul CIty
Kandahar City and Nimroz Zaranj City
Kapisa, Jalalabad
Shaikh Sahib CHC+
Manogai MCHC
Herat with frequent travel to field site
Baharak DH
Kabul with possibility of travel to IRC Field Offices
Herat, Badghis
Talbuzang BHC
Ishkashem Sub Office
Nusai Sub Office
Kabul Mobile Health Team
Atin Jelaw BHC
Maidan Shahr - Maidan Shahr Hospital
Jawzjan Qushtepa MCHC
Kunduz (Khan Abad BHC)
Jawzjan Shebrghan PSCC
Shahre Naw, Kabul
Parwan, Logar and Ghazni
Herat-Kushk-e-Rabat Sangi
Kabul, Ghazni , Khost
Ghazni , Khost
Chil ghazi, Faryab
Takhar City and Travel to other Districts
Choghdak BHC
Mazar-i-Sharif [Balkh]
Main Cities and Districts
Panjshir (Paryan and Khenj Districts)
Kabul (with frequent travel to the field)
Panjshir (with frequent travel to Kabul)
Hazar Somoch BHC
Khawja Bahawuddin District
Kabul city and travel to other provinces and Districts of Afghanistan
Provincial Centers and Districts
Medair Uruzgan Base, including visits to other Medair bases as needed.
Balkh-North Region
Kabul and project sites in provinces and districts of Afghanistan
کابل پروان پکتیا بلخ ننگرهار کندز کندهار هرات
Takhar - TRC (Kudduz Qala e Zal)
Kabul Mazar sharef Kunduz Herat
Faiz abad
Maiwand , Zyarhy and Shah Wali Kot Districts
Kabul, with possibility of provincial Visits
Sina DH
Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh, Dehdadi, and Marmal Districts
Roy Sang CHC In Kahmard District
Paktia Provincial Office
Kabul -(with Frequent travel to 12 border points)
Torkham HSC
Jalalabad- MHT-2
Jalalabad City, FTZ Hospital
ولایت غزنی، ولسوالی جاغوری
Health facilities in Kandahar, Daman district (Pongai Village)
Herat with frequent travel to project sites in the Western, Northers and Central regions
Kandahar Province, Daman District.
Khost Health Camps (Spera,Gurbuz and Matoon)
Khost health camps in Khost (Spera, Gurbuz and Matun)
Khost health camps (Spera, Gurbuz and Matoon)
Baghlan Markazi District /Baysaqal HSC
Khost health camps (Spera, Gurbuz and Matun)
Kunduz/Takhar City and Districts
Takhar/Kunduz city and travel to its districts
Baghlan Province /Jelga CHC
Baghlan Province /Hassantal BHC
Kabul, Gosfandara- Sub Health Center
aghlan/Nahrin District Hospital
Logar City (Traveling to Districts)
Baghlan Province/ Mangalan CHC/ Baghlan/ Barfak HSC
Baghlan Province /Tala wa Barfak District /Barfak HSC
Kabul District 9
Jalalabad - Travels to target districts of Kunar and Laghman
Nahor District
Ghazni Rehabilitation Center
Kunduz City (Travelling is Required)
Kunduz City (Travelling is required)
Kabul Sar-e-Pol
Nili with travel to targeted districts
Paktia Provincial Hospital
DP Jaghori
Kamdish & Wants Waegal Districts
Logar (Puli Alam)
Kabul and Herat City and Districts
Kamdish District
Laghman (Dawlat Shah District, Chashdar BHC)
ولایت پکتیکا
Kunduz, Jawzjan
Province and travel to the districts
Baghlan (Akakhil MCHC)
Baghlan (Aka Khil MCHC)
Sar-e-Pol, Kohestanat DH
Kabul with 50% Travel to provinces
Kabul Travel to provinces
Parwan City and Districts
Kabul and Herat City and districts
Districts of Kabul City
City and Districts of Kabul/Herat/Parwan
Qala - e -Naw
Dehrawud districts, Uruzgan Province with daily travel to the clinic sites
Herat City (Injil - Jaghartan)
Herat City - Having travel to project site
Nurgal District in Kunar
Kabul with regular field visit
Surkhum and Joynow
Kabul, Dashti Barchi, District 13
Nawa, Nada Ali & Washir District
Nad Ali & Washir District
Herat or Daikundi-Nili
Kabul city, (Bagrami or PD 12)
Khost-Jaji Maidan
Khost Jaji Maidan
Kabul, Kandahar, Nangahar, Herat, Balkh
Obe, Zirkooh (Shindand) and Adreskan
Khost- Alishir.Musakhail,Sabari,Yaqubi,Matoon and Gurbuz
Julga BHC
Mentioned Provinces
East-West Nuristan
Kabul (Uraban Health Facility)
Nari District
Wardooj CHC
Kabul, Bagrami District, Juma Mohammad Mohammad Industrial Park, Second Phase
Center travel districts
Khost (Espera District)
Ghazni (Khogyani)
Puli-e khumri and Nahreen Districts
Afghan Indonesian Hospital and Koz Miakhel, Musahi District
Kabul Koz Miakhel, Musahi District
Based in the field base potential in Kejran district, Daikundi Province
Bamian City
Kabul (Roving)
Kabul (Remotely In the United States)
Worsaj District
Shatak CHC
Nimruz-Zaranj-Provincial Hospital
With travel to provinces and districts
Sujan SHC, Nahrin District
Nahrin DH
Yakawlang District, Daga CHC / Waras District Dahan Sabzak CHC
Based in Kandahar, with frequent travel to Helmand
Garda Serai (Sorikhail)
Mirzaka District (Karkeen SHC)
Ghazi Abad District
Mazare sharif and Kunduz
Daikundi, Provincial office and Patoo MCHC
Kabul, Baghlan, Jowzjan and Sar-e-Pol
Kabul; Ghazni
Salingar, Shamaram, and Salab HSCs/Laghman Province
(one for Kuzkunar HF, and one for Dara-e-Noor HF)
Laghman, Alishing district, Shamakat Kohistan HSC
Shar e Naw, Kabul
Labjar Square, Khair khana Fast phase, 11 Distract, Kabul, Afghanistan
Herat and Paktika
Kabul, Kandahar, Nanagarhar, Baghlan
Kabul, Nangarhar, Baghlan, and Kandahar
Kandahar, Nangarhar, Baghlan
Kabul with travels to the project targeting provinces
Laghman Tag EHU
Kabul, Nangarhar, Kandahar, and Baghlan
Kabul, Nangarhar, Kandahar and Baghlan
Médecins Sans Frontières …
Feb. 11, 2025
Permanent & Visiting Lecturers
Karwan University
Feb. 10, 2025
Programme Policy Officer (Nutrition) - NOA
United Nations World …
Feb. 10, 2025
Permanent & Visiting Lecturers
KU Karwan University
Feb. 10, 2025
Project Assistant C19
UNDP/ Afghanistan
Feb. 9, 2025
Médecins Sans Frontières …
Feb. 6, 2025
Vaccinator (Females are preferred), Re-Announce
Terre des hommes
Feb. 6, 2025
MHPSS Counselor
Terre des hommes
Feb. 5, 2025
Nutrition Counsellor (Female Only)
Terre des hommes
Feb. 3, 2025
Nutrition Counsellor (Female Only)
Terre des hommes
Feb. 3, 2025